doTERRA PATHWAY Diffuser Leather Wrap Bracelet
doTERRA PATHWAY Diffuser Leather Wrap Bracelet
Balance and symmetry evoke feelings of order and constancy. Both are known to have positive effects on the human mind. Imagine what happens when you add your favorite essential oil! World peace? Maybe not, but certainly inner peace. Wear this as a necklace today and as a bracelet tomorrow. So many options, just like the pathways open to us!
Size: 26" in length
** how to use
Simply put a few drops of essential oil directly onto the outside of your diffuser, let it soak into the bamboo felt, and enjoy!
** diffuser
The bamboo felt diffuser is permanently secured. Depending on the strength of your essential oil, the aroma will fade in 1 to 2 days, naturally cleansing itself to make room for your next essential oil.